Chaivat (Charles) Suwannaporn


About Chaivat (Charles) Suwannaporn


From pushing pixels to sewing stitches, Charles is an atypical Thai-born artist.  With BFA in visual development, he went to work in tech for the likes of Electronic Arts and Disney.  He art directed digital products with charming characters and story lines. These were great gigs.  Yet digital products were simply not enough for him; he wanted to bring pixels to life. 

Growing up, retailing and manufacturing were in his blood; his family were in the trade.  It seems that fabrics and fit were in his DNA.  Some may say he has come full-circle, in fact it was while working on a dress-up game at Disney his fashion interest was reignited.  Charles took night classes learning pattern-making and sewing at Academy of Art University; the rest shall we say is history.  In late 2017, Charles made a bold move and left the tech world to start his first venture with the goal:  

Fewer but better shirts.

Showcasing the unique prints of San Francisco memorable culture, from crafted coffee to windblown umbrellas, Charles brings a modern take to slim-fit shirts, allowing you to stay stylish with fewer pieces wherever you go.


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