Tamara Jaric


About Tamara Jaric

Tamara Jaric was born in Serbia and has lived in Europe and the United States. Her international experience has influenced her work as a designer. European elegance mixed with American ease, fine details and working with unexpected industrial materials isoon became her signature.

Tamara developed her interests in the arts at an early age. She loved painting and was hoping to pursue a career in fine arts at the High School of Design in Belgrade. While there, she also learned about fashion design and textiles.

In 2001, she decided to move to Florence, Italy and extend her knowledge in fashion. She earned a Fashion Design degree at Polimoda. Upon graduation, she moved to New York where she interned with numerous designers such as Ralph Rucci, Nicole Miller, and Jill Stuart.

Tamara always knew she wanted to design for herself, and she completed her education by going to business school. In 2011 she graduated from Berkeley College in New York with a degree in Fashion Marketing and Management.

In January 2012 she was selected to be a Designer In Residence at the Fashion Incubator San Francisco, FISF. There, she launched her women’s wear line.

tamara jaric fashion incubator san francisco fisf

Apply to the Incubator

Fashion Incubator San Francisco is an entrepreneurial innovative approach to business development. We offer individualized support, mentorship by industry experts, community collaboration and events, and connections to critical resources.

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